Good things come in small packages.
Capturing, holding, and packaging the purity of each wild blueberry is the most important thing we do at Van Dyk’s. In all of our products, you’ll find wild blueberries with as close to the original nutrient content as possible—just as if you picked them yourself.

Our Tried and True, Now Dried and Blue
In 2010, we set out to find a new and better way of drying fruit. Commercial air drying was too hard on the nutrients, freeze-drying—though better for retaining nutrients—is costly and affects taste. It took a while, but we found a better way.
While we can’t let you in on all the secrets of our family’s proprietary drying process, we can tell you that it gives everybody the best of both worlds. It’s gentle on the berries, preserves the nutritional benefits and it’s a whole lot easier on everybody’s budget. The bottom line? Something this special deserves its own process.

Nothing added, nothing needed.
Every wild blueberry we pick is filled with benefits, from antioxidants like anthocyanins, to polyphenols and vitamins. Anthocyanins and polyphenols help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals and other oxidative stress, and vitamins are essential for everything from building strong bones to regulating our metabolism. Our 100% pure wild blueberries are small but mighty. And mighty delicious, too.

What’s in a label?
Not all blueberry juices are created equal. Van Dyk’s is just one ingredient—Nova Scotia-grown, Canada Grade A, lowbush Wild Blueberries. No water. No sugar. No preservatives.
Nutrition labels 101.
Many other juices are made from concentrate or from a blend of less expensive juices and lesser-quality fruit. In Canada, nutrition label ingredients are listed in decreasing order or volume, so if you see a label with blueberry “from concentrate” as the fourth or fifth item, there is very little blueberry in the product.
Be sure to check for Vitamin C content. Products made from fruit must be pasteurized to kill naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in order to make the product safe and shelf stable. The most common form of pasteurization, using heat, will greatly reduce and usually completely eliminate Vitamin C content. If you read a juice nutrition label that indicates the presence of Vitamin C, it’s usually been added after pasteurization or the manufacturer is presenting a misleading nutrition label.
The labels on Van Dyk’s 100% Pure Wild Blueberry Juice represent the content of our actual juice, as determined by an independent government-certified testing facility. It’s no wonder Van Dyk’s won the prestigious “Best New Juice” award at the World Juice Congress.